Time Thief

King of Games from on September 14th, 2024 • 2 comments
Gems 46k
23 cards

Notes & Combos

If your Time Thief build is using Chronocorder, please run Diamond Dire Wolf over Castel, it's sooo good

This deck is super budget friendly. Entire extra deck other than the rebellion package and Perpetua is optional, Cosmic is a box chip card, Veiler can be replaced by anything else like Forbidden Chalice just fine

(Knightmare Unicorn is blatantly suboptimal and never came up. Replace with whatever.)

When piloting the deck, focus on getting Perpetua + Redoer + countertrap out turn 1. Most opening hands can do that unless you open Startup and other time thief card, or Regulator + no skill access or countertrap.

Keep your Redoer's spin live until you can really mess up their whole turn, and keep your countertrap until you can negate a vital card (usually one that +2s them or removes Redoer). Focus on using your GY steals and nonengine until then, and remember you can bounce back from a broken field quite easily and your GY floating effects make surviving very doable. It's also super punishing to overextend against this deck since Arc Rebellion is incredibly good at dealing lethal damage.

Learn how much your board can take, focus on surviving & the deck can outgrind even multiple draws from Eclipse once it gets going.

The GY steals are super versatile tools, make sure your response toggle is enabled so you can respond to effects resolving, in order to preempt self banishing spell speed 1 GY effects or chain Perpetua to Redoer returning in the End Phase. Bezel Ship revived off Perpetua is reusable and can mess with a gigantic number of gameplans and plays, or fuel Redoer in a pinch.

The deck is on 2 Retrograde since 23 cards makes it less likely to open unneeded extenders, and drawing a copy of it is beneficial turn 1. That also means 1 Flyback, but you'll generally be relying more on Bezel Ship in longer games anyway.

Weaknesses: Veiler, Lava Golem & Kurikara basically delete the deck if played by the player who goes second. Seraph is a miserable matchup. The deck is also relatively frail going second, make sure to try to bait out interrupts with Winder/Adjuster/Startup if you can do that and get them off the field (destruction negates, and most backrow removes at the moment) before committing Regulator.

Strengths: Incredible grindgame coupled with a great consistent turn 1 board, and constant arc rebellion access. Extremely fun deck with super versatile interruption tools that reward reading & rules knowledge. 10/10 most fun i ever had in DL

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5 months ago

does 2 prepetua really come up?

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5 months ago

2 Perpetua comes up whenever you face Lava Golem or similar cards, and generally allows you to reaccess Redoer whenever your turn 1 Perpetua + Redoer board is broken since there's no other revives in the deck. She isn't mandatory but definitely comes up often enough to matter