
Spicy Win Streaks from on January 12th, 2024
Gems 54k + $37
28 cards

Notes & Combos

Invoked best normal summon in the game Kappa. Jokes aside, normal summoning invoker baits veiler 90% of the time, so you can go to Artemis to make Construct.

You turn one you will nearly always want to set up Schism through Construct or Schamata.

The stand play of this the is: Either normal Invoked/Magistus (best starters) or any of the Shaddolls to go to Artemis (light atributte for Construct) and do your combo + any fusion spell and a shaddoll.

Having Aleister makes: you turn 2 more aggro with Purgatrio (fire atribute is Knightmare Phoenix); searching invocation to make fusion from hand when you have light atribute (such as veiler); sometimes setting up Caliga alongside Winda in nearly gg because 1 book or mst is not enough (unless they open both lol)

In the extra deck, the only flexible spot is Wendigo. You can play Knightmare Unicorn, Magistus Fusion, Mudragon, etc.

If I had 1 more wendi and beast I would play (- 1 Falco and Dragon)

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