Galaxy Photon

Spicy Win Streaks from on March 2nd, 2024
Gems 25.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

I've been having a lot a fun with this deck, got a 6 win streak in Legend 3-4 and reached Legend 5 but didn’t have enough time to reach KoG. There are lots of combo options and it can play though 2-3 disruptions with the right hand and potentially end on 4 disruptions on turn 1!

The best turn 1 board this can make is Felgrand (negate) + Vimana (monster negate anywhere) + Solflare (monster destruction)/Starliege (board protection) + Crow/Hyper Galaxy/other tech card. Fun fact: Starliege equipped with Orbital makes the whole board untargetable and Dark Hole proof!


2 card: GEPD/Knight + Orbital
  1. Activate skill, reveal GEPD/Knight, add Brave + Knight/GEPD, dump GEPD (this part of the skill is optional, so only dump GEPD if you don’t have Trade-In or Soldier in hand.
  2. Activate Brave, reveal Orbital, SS Brave.
  3. Activate Orbital, equip to Brave. Activate Orbital, search Vanisher.
  4. SS Vanisher, search GEPD.
  5. Link summon Solflare (add GEPD to hand) or Xyz summon Starliege .
  6. Summon Knight, SS GEPD from GY, Xyz summon Felgrand.

`Endboard: Solflare (monster destruction) and Felgrand (negate).`

Strongest turn 1 combo: GEPD/Knight + Soldier/Vanisher + Orbital + Trade-In
  1. Activate skill, reveal GEPD/Knight, add Brave + Knight/GEPD.
  2. Activate Brave, reveal Orbital, SS Brave.
  3. Activate Orbital, equip to Brave. Activate Orbital, search Vanisher/Soldier.
  4. SS Vanisher, search GEPD.
  5. Activate Soldier, discard GEPD, SS Soldier, search Soldier.
  6. Activate Trade-in using GEPD (best draw: GEPD/Knight + tech card).
  7. Xyz summon Starliege (no to effect) or Link summon Solflare
  8. Activate Soldier, discard GEPD, SS Soldier.
  9. Xyz summon Vimana.
  10. Normal summon Knight, SS GEPD from GY, Xyz summon Felgrand.

`Endboard: Solflare (monster destruction) + Vimana (negate) + Felgrand (negate) + tech card.`

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  • playing through 3 interruptions



