
WCS DLv. Max from on June 15th, 2024
Gems 36k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Hello everyone, your favorite rank one Altergeist streamer is back in full swing from vacationing overseas with a brand new, updated Altergeist decklist for the 2024 World Championship Qualifiers. Honestly, this was probably my easiest World Championship Qualifiers to max run and I was able to max out in just 30 wins. There were a few games that were unwinnable sack fests, but overall, Altergeists are still really good, especially this meta where everyone's playing Agents (Imperial Order on legs), Rokkets, and Battle Chronicle Blue-Eyes White Dragon, all of which you have very good matchups into.

My personal favorite is the Battle Chronicle matchup because as long as they don't hard open Heat Wave, the matchup is super fun because the duel is a battle of wit and super back-and-forth instead of one side sacking the other side in one turn. You naturally have better grind game vs Battle Chronicle, but Dragon Spirit of White can be a bit annoying to deal with, which is why I am running Empress's Staff.

For my tech card choices, everything is pretty standard Altergeist stuff except the new tech I'm running, Empress's Staff, and that tech card allowed some major mind games with my opponent when they cleared my field and it helped save me against Dragon Spirit of White's backrow banish and Shiranui Sunsaga's non target board wipe. The fact that Empress's Staff is a handtrap allowed me to end on some very "fun" boards of Linkuriboh pass and trick the opponent into setting up sub par boards thinking they had game only for me to Empress's Staff them, trigger Multifaker, and pop off from there. Consider Empress's Staff if you haven't already, it's a really useful handtrap, at least until they nerf Battle Chronicle. Infinite Impermanence when Konami? We truly are in a handtrap-oriented meta if I'm running Empress's Staff of all things.

I am also running the brand-new Altergeist Pookuery, which is an amazing combo starter and extender since it allows turn one Hexstia plays, giving you Multifaker search if the opponent gets rid of Hexstia or helping you link climb into Altergeist Memorygant, your new boss monster of the deck. Everything else is standard Altergeist stuff you guys have seen before.

My past three games to rank up to max level for this year's World Championships run were consisted of DSOD Kaiba (Battle Chronicle Blue-Eyes), Varis (Legend of the Heroes Orcust), and my rank up game, Dark Side of Dimensions Kaiba (Blue-Eyes Dimension).

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As for replays, you guys already should have a general understanding of what Altergeists do by now, but I did have a very interesting, fun duel against a Blue-Eyes Dimension DSOD Seto Kaiba player for my rankup game to max, so sit back and enjoy the replay. Memorygant went hard in this duel and this duel is a great showcasing of what Pookuery and Memorygant can do when paired together in an experienced pilot's hands.