
WCS DLv. Max from on June 15th, 2024
Gems 26k + $134
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Nice I managed to get DL Max (on the 9th) and Kog (on the 14th). This list is pretty much the same as my last submission except I have swapped one Poly for a third Incarnation, since I found Agents like banishing the other two copies before I got a chance to use them. Having the extra copy of Incarnation is always good for El Shaddoll Wendi loops, where after you made her the first time you bring her back from the GY via Incarnation, then add back Incarnation when they out Wendi. Repeat for said loop.

Other aspects I tested, at some point during my runs I swapped out the third Construct (Fusion) for a copy of Knightmare Phoenix. This was for extra backrow removal and getting El Winda in the GY. I also considered Link Disciple so I could more easily out Iblee lock. However I found that backrow wasn’t too common and Shaddoll can also out Iblee by turning it face down with the two Incarnation in the GY. Also the third Construct felt useful in the many Blue-Eyes and Agents matchups.

Speaking of, this meta is not favourable to this deck at all. Invicil will mostly kill your chances of victory unless you can get enough traps in rotation to use instead of your spells. Invicil is another reason why Shaddoll Construct (the link) is useful in order to start fusing without spell cards. I think Lancea also hurts this version of Shaddoll more than the pure version, since you need to banish Wings and a Fluffal for the extra advantage this version provides. However this run I felt the impact of Fluffals more than before, I got more Wings draws and spotted more moments to fuse into Frightfur Tiger which won me games. This of course brings up the Owl engine and one Poly. Essentially if you’re not setting, Owl is the normal summon and you will use it to add your one Poly. However any subsequent addition of Poly is a bit redundant since we only play one Shekhinaga and also Owl can fuse into Tiger via its second effect, which does once again get around Invicil’s spell floodgate.

In game deck link:

I will add different replays for the Kog and DLMax submissions.

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DLMax climb games:



