
WCS DLv. Max from on June 5th, 2024

Notes & Combos

Done my entire climb with Synchrons. It has been rough at times but definitely doable with some perseverance. I updated my last KoG list and adapted to the meta.

Some considerations when going against tiered decks:

Agents: Pray to go 1st or draw Lancea, since their turn 1 board is the most oppressive sh!t i have ever seen in this game up to this point, it's an auto-loss if not.

Blue Eyes: if you go 2nd, Mind Control/Linkslayer are very strong vs it. Going 1st, it can be difficult to play and manage your resources carefully since Neo-Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon can easily otk through Croc and Kiteroid.

Borrel Link: except Iblee lock, which this deck can still play around thanks to the skill, is somewhat manageable going 1st/2nd. The free Quandborrel they get going 2nd that can't be interacted tho is definitely unfair in my opinion. Lancea is good vs it as well.

Shaddoll: very difficult matchup after the skill buff regardless if you go 1st/2nd, fortunately not very popular on ladder.

PK: Very oppressive board if it goes 1st, you need to hard open Mind Control to remove Ophion from board, and even then they still have a monster negate with probably another interruption on top. You need to win the coinflip or open Lancea.

I have not encountered a single Performage, and only a few Shiranui (which is hard countered by Lancea) and some Sunavalons.

Overall, the meta is extremely unbalanced with a lot of floodgates/broken interactions, expecially skills, it needs to be addressed immediatly for the sake of the balance and health of the game in my opinion.

Thanks for reading.

Going fast makes me feel alive.

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